Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

Building Credit

Have you ever wondered why lenders trust you with money? Or how they are confident they will get that money back? Well, they rely on something called credit. Credit is an integral part of an individual's life so it is important to learn how to accumulate credit from a young age. Continue reading to learn about credit and how it can benefit you. 

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

Importance of Identity Protection

Do you know what identity theft is? How about identity protection? Well, the Federal Trade Commission believes that 25% of teenagers will experience identity theft before they turn 18. With the amount of identity theft growing each day, it is important to educate ourselves on how to protect ourselves from unwanted third parties. Continue reading to learn how to protect you and your money.

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

The Importance of Diversification

I’m sure many of you have heard about stocks and investing in them. But did you know that there are a multitude of different types of stocks you can invest in? Or that investing in diverse stocks is key in increasing your chances of making a profit? Continue reading this post to learn about the importance of diversification and a detailed example.

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

How Inflation Can Impact Our Economy

I’m sure most of you have heard of the term inflation before. But do you know how inflation really plays a role in our economy? In this post we go over the basics of inflation, the different types of inflation, and how it can impact our economy. Continue reading to learn about a vital contributor to our economy.

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

Interview with University of Michigan Professor, Robert Dittmar

Want to learn more about how to create a diversified portfolio using bonds? Or how about the best investment strategies for teenagers? In this interview, with professor Robert Dittmar, we cover a wide array of the best investment techniques for teenagers.

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

Bonds, Bonds, and More Bonds

I’m sure many of you have heard the term bonds before, whether it be because of finances or maybe even your high school history class. Now some of you might be wondering how bonds are related to history, or why your history class out of all classes would teach you about bonds. Continue reading if you want to learn about the history of bonds, the different types of bonds, and how you can invest in them.

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

Credit Cards vs. Debit Cards

As you become more and more financially dependent you get introduced to the world of banks, savings, spending, and money. Remember the shiny rectangles your parents use whenever you have to pay for something? Well you get introduced to those as well. In this post we go over the key differences between credit cards and debit cards. We also learn which card is probably going to be a better choice for young adults.

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

20 Key Financial Terms

This post covers 20 key financial terms you need to know. Continue reading to expand your financial knowledge!

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

What is Ethereum?

I’m sure many of you have heard of the term Ethereum. But how many of you know what exactly it means? You probably know it has something to do with finance and block chain technology, but what exactly is it? Is it a cryptocurrency or a platform? Is it like bitcoin or is it completely different? Continue reading to understand what Ethereum is and how it is different from bitcoin.

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

Interview With MIT Professor, Daniel Greenwald

Do you want to know if Investing is the right choice for you? In this post, MIT Professor Daniel Greenwald talks about why investing money can be a wise choice, especially starting out at a young age. And some simple, yet effective tips to have the best possible outcome when investing!

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

Negative Impacts of Cryptocurrencies

As the future of America, it is imperative we know what affects our new technology has on our world. What many people fail to see behind the genius cryptocurrency technology, is how detrimental its effects are to our environment. In this post, learn about ways to be more conscientious of how cryptocurrency affects our environment and what we can do to minimize these effects, while still utilizing the technology.

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

Tips to Get Rid of Student Debt Faster

I'm pretty sure many of you are acquainted with the term student loans, in fact, currently 43 million Americans are. If so many people are struggling to pay off student loans, surely it is inevitable, but what are some ways we can reduce our student loans and pay them off as soon as possible? Keep reading if you want tips on how you can avoid paying off student loans for decades.

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

Savings Account vs. Checking Account

As many of you are blossoming into young adults, you are also getting introduced into the world of independent finances. This means managing finances by yourself, opening a bank account, and navigating through the world of finances. But do you understand the multitude of different options and choices that come with this new found freedom?

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

Interview with Duke Professor, Campbell Harvey

Want to learn more about the decentralized system? Or what the future of our banking system looks like? In this post, author of DeFi and the Future of Finance and Professor of Finance at Duke University, Campbell Harvey talks us through the future of finance.

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

How to Invest Money

It is safe to say that stocks and crypto currency is the new age to money and technology in the world right now. It seems that everyone is investing in these new platforms and itching to make it big. As a teenager, you're probably wondering whether you can join the rest of the world and their endeavors with investing. And whether you can truly make it big.

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

What is Stocks?

When you search stocks up on google, you get a plethora of information that uses long and completely confusing words. Like do you know what a decentralized system is? What about shares? If the answer is no, or you aren’t completely sure, continue reading

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

The Importance of Understanding Finance

Now if you're a teenager, you must be thinking “Why do I need to learn about finances, I’m not an adult yet?” or “I still live with my parents, they have it under control.” But the truth is you need to understand how to manage your finances sooner than most people anticipate.

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Sanjana Ramakrishnan Sanjana Ramakrishnan

5 Ways You Can Help Your Parents With Finance

Have you ever felt like there wasn’t possibly anything you could do to help your parents with finances? Like the only way you could help them was grow up? Well, I’m here to tell you that you can start helping your parents out from as young as six years old! And if you’re a teenager, then you can do so much more while staying a teenager.

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